Thursday, 11 November 2010

Linda Chew (104946Y)-Terrorism

Terrorism has always been a threat to countries worldwide. For Singapore, Singaporeans are always complacent as we always thinks that Singapore is a very safe place to be at. However, due to the case of Mas Selamat escaping from the detention center, people start to get more cautious and realized that Singapore isn’t as safe as what they always thought it was.

Singapore is the number one terrorist target in Southeast Asia as Singapore has a reputation for being a very safe country thus this status had many terroist organization aiming to bring it do. This will prove to the world that the terroist are powerful enough for even country like Singapore with high defensive capabilities.

In order to prevent such terrorist act from happening in Singapore, the government had several excercise such as Excercise Northstar to train its Emergency units of how to respond to such incident. The Singapore Police Force have also set up a special unit called “Public Transport Security Command” to patrol specifically in the vicinity of Singapore's transport network such as the MRT and Bus interchange. We could also see advisories at train station that educates passenger to do their part to inform or even call the police should they see any suspicious article or person. 

Thus, in short, we Singaporeans should all do a part in keeping our country safe.

Poster of Mas Selmat around Singapore after he have escape from the detention center.

Exercise Northstar

 Public Transport Security Command

 Advertisements on train stations

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