Healthcare in Singapore
From the research found on the web, I have realised that Singapore is ranked the world's best in giving good healthcare services by the World Health Organisation (WHO). To be able to achieve this result, Singapore had possess in:
- Promoting Good Health and Reduce Illness
Accessing to Good and Affordable Healthcare
- Pursuing Medical Excellence
Singapore government also want to ensure that all Singaporeans to have proper and affordable basic healthcare needs, thus the government heavily subsidised for the services.
Patients would need to co-pay the cost of medical services which they use. Individuals are also encouraged under the 3M framework (Medisave, Medishield and Medifund) to take responsibility for their own health by saving for medical expenses.
In order to deliver good quality healthcare in a cost-effective manner, Singapore has a dual system of healthcare delivery supported by both public and private sector players. Notably, public providers are clustered into 2 groups - National Healthcare Group (NHG) and Singapore Health Services (SHS).
Singapore also imported in alot of the advanced equipments to most hospitals. This is to ensure that all patients can be cured and receive the best medical services from the doctors. It is said that
Singapore's medical facilities are among the finest in the world, with well qualified doctors and dentists, many trained overseas.
Singapore’s well-established healthcare system comprises a total of 13 private hospitals, 10 public (government) hospitals and several specialist clinics, each specializing in and catering to different patient needs.
Patients can go at any time to the 24-hour Accident & Emergency Departments located in the government hospitals if there's any medical emergency.
In conclusion, I feel that Singapore is the best in giving such a good medical services to the people. And what i realised is that, more and more people around the world is coming over to Singapore to have the medical services from various hospitals. This can show that the people trust our home country's medical services. They believe that the best medical services will be given to them.